Joining School Council is a fantastic way to learn more about how a school operates and to contribute in a very meaningful way. School Council consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, a number of Parent Members, a Parents & Friends Representative and at least two Department employees, usually the Principal and a couple of Teachers. Meetings are convened at least eight times a year, usually twice a Term in the evenings to ensure maximum attendance of members. School Council elections are held at the beginning of every school year. We encourage all parents to have a voice through our School Council Members. School Council is involved in the strategic, financial, policy development and promotional aspects of the school. School Council Members are your representatives and willingly support you.
Our super group of parents and friends work hard raising much needed additional funds for our school. They meet regularly to plan fundraising events and have a say in how these funds are spent. Joining the P&F is a great way to meet other community-minded parents and to strengthen our school and community together.
Throughout the year, opportunities will arise to help fundraise for Parents & Friends events and maybe even within the classroom. If this is the case, a Volunteering Agreement must be signed and returned and all school volunteers must present a valid Working with Children Check and adhere to our Child Safe Policies.
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