At Congupna Primary School, all members of our school community work together to set high expectations for our students and prioritise their engagement and achievement. We strive to be KIND, BRAVE and CURIOUS in all that we do and above all else, we aim to equip our students with the skills they will require to be successful in whatever it is they choose to pursue after school.
Congupna Primary School is located five kilometers north of Shepparton and caters not only for the bustling township of Congupna, but also for the major growth corridor in North Shepparton. In 2024, the official school enrolment on census day was 71; our classrooms consisted of a Grade F/1, Grade 1/2, Grade 3/4 and a Grade 5/6 composite.
Congupna Primary School's Out of School Hours Care Program is run on-site by Their Care. We offer Before, After, Pupil Free Day and Holiday Program Care. Please visit for more information.
The school boasts fantastic facilities, provides specialist IT devices and provides many things only a small school can provide including vegetable gardens, cooking and looking after school pets such as chooks and guinea pigs. Additional resources such as two undercover playgrounds, football oval, rebound walls, soccer pitch and undercover sandpit provide our active children with many avenues to participate in physical activity to help expend some of their boundless energy. Children currently attend specialist classes in STEM, Art, Library & Italian. The school consistently participates in the Sporting Schools Program and all classrooms continue to participate in whole-school programs that focus specifically on Writing, Spelling and Numeracy in 2022.
Congupna Primary School is an active member of a Cluster of Small Shepparton Schools and together we strive to offer our collective students all of the opportunities afforded to children in larger schools. We regularly attend Cluster events, share teacher resources and strive to provide real transition support for our senior cluster students before they attend larger Secondary Colleges together.
© Copyright Congupna Primary School